Short Runs . Limited Seating . Key West Talent
600 White Street at the Key West Armory
Tickets at
Out of the box theater!

Let's be Candid! provides NPO information for donors. We've earned the highest rating for NPO Transparency. Check us out!

William & Patricia Monroe
Murphy Davis & Blake Hunter
Dogwood Foundation
Janet & Charlie Bengel
Mat Smith
Kitty & Tom Clements
Norman Hoffer
Clare & Tom Keller
Cynthia K Kemeny
Designing Eyes Optical Boutique
Jim Speake
John Padget
Neal Ruchman & Melissa Jean McDaniel
Stan Kovak
Sue & Don Lynch
Florida Keys Council of the Arts
Glenda Donovan & David Lebwohl
Toby D Armour
Alan & Jane Teitelbaum
Blue Heaven & Salute
Cory Held & Jeffrey Grosky
Dennis & Judy Dutterer
Gordon & Meridyth McIntosh
Island House Key West
Jim Argoudelis & Dan Ward
Jim Hall & Billy Cartledge
John & Francine Kreinces
Judith & Stanley Zabar
Key West Beachside Marriott
Martha Robinson
Nadene Grossman Enterprise
Ray & Jim Luther-Pfeil
Steven & Elizabeth Goldstone
Wendy Allen & Mike Boehme
in celebration of Charlie Allen
Key West Art & Historical Society
Carolyn & Jay Scott
Andie Taras & Tony Elitcher
Assortment of Key West
Bonnie Piceu & Paul Dietz
Cathie & Brad Gottschalk
Christine Bassett & Carey Alexander
Debbie & Robert Wilcox
Donna & Kevin Gallagher
Fred & Rita Troxel
George Cooper & Judy Blume
Jack Paul
Jane Gardner Interiors
Jeff Johnson & Hy Conrad
Jonathan Vipond & Tim Bunner
Louise Pearson
Mike Benner
Peyton Evans
Robert & Fran Silverman
Robert & Sharman Wilson
Seaglass Theatrical, LLC
Shelli Chase & John Feldman
Spottswood Companies, Inc
Strunk Ace Hardware
Sue Puskedra
The Gardens Hotel
Truman & Company
Walton & Jeffrey Goldring
Wende Shoer & Michael Lonergan
Key West Woman's Club
First State Bank
Mr & Mrs Joseph Stroud
Clare & Bert Angermann
Antonia's Restaurant
Little Pearl
Thirsty Mermaid
Bruce Hunter
Jim Salini
Wayne & Peggy Guidotti
Art Warehouse
JAG Gallery
Jerry Lyons
Joanne & Fred Klein
Jodi Wautlet & Mark Sauter
Kathryn Laskey & Christopher Knight
Keys Marketing & Image Management
Leslie Maloff
MaryAnn Westerlund
Roberta (Bobbie) Cotton
Susan & Stuart Kaufman
John White & Nancy Beck
Arnaud & Naja Girard d'Albissin
Charles Morrow-Jones
Christopher Lee Moore
Harrell Odom & Barry Cook
Roberta & Gerald Ginsberg
Roy Bishop
Steve & Kathy Russ
Susan & Brian Savitch
Kristyn LaMoia
Lois & Paul Gerig
Lynda & Robert Frechette
Maureen & Benjamin Matthews
Suzanne Washburn
Annie Carlisle, PhD
Brooke & Lawrence Myers
Cynthia Edwards & Rick Boettger
Jean Shannon
Jessica Wachs
Gayla Morgan
Trey Forsyth
Jeff Kucin
Keith & Redza Dempster
Rebecca & Harold Hoeft
Richard Adler & Kathleen Murray
Robert Fierst
Rory Van Tuyl
Thomas Greenwood
Tom Kirdahy
Joan Cox
Tony Sasso
Winn Dixie Community Program
Stephen Aube
2022-23 Donors
Thank You Donors!
2023-24 Donors
William & Patricia Monroe
Dogwood Foundation
Florida Keys Council of the Arts
Murphy Davis & Blake Hunter
Janet & Charlie Bengel
Al & Carol Metty
Nick & Lorie Howley
Jim Speake
Anthony Adams
Horace Nix & Margrette Thompson
Kitty & Tom Clements
Designing Eyes Optical Boutique
Mat Smith
Wayne LaRue Smith & Denis Hyland
Bert Whitt & Dennis Beaver
Chris Massicotte & Eric Ault
Clare & Tom Keller
Cynthia K Kemeny
Hear4U Audiology
Jeanmarie Woods Revocable Trust
Little Room Jazz Club
Michael Miller
Stan Kovak
Tunie Hamlen
Woman's Club
Sue & Don Lynch
Gordon & Meridyth McIntosh
Dennis & Judy Dutterer
Glenda Donovan & David Lebwohl
Mike Benner
Jim Argoudelis & Dan Ward
Alan & Jane Teitelbaum
Andie Taras & Tony Elitcher
George Fernandez & Tom Greenwood
Historic Hideaways
Island House Key West
John & Francine Kreinces
John & Kay Behmke
John White & Nancy Beck
Judith & Stanley Zabar
Karen Leonard & Aaron Wechter
Lucy Paige
Neal Ruchman & Melissa Jean McDaniel
Ray & Jim Luther-Pfeil
Steven & Elizabeth Goldstone
Susan Jones & Dick Eaton
Cory Held
Javier Garrido
Jeffrey Grosky
Jim Beyl & Sharon Smarsh
Robert & Sharman Wilson
Erika Hawks
Cathie & Brad Gottschalk
PayPal Giving Fund
Wayne & Peggy Guidotti
Ann Reynolds
Beach Club Brokers
Bo Williams & Jessica Newman
Cathy & Bob Hesse
Christopher Kush
Claire Muhm
Destination Florida Magazine
Donna & Kevin Gallagher
Harrell Odom & Barry Cook
Jim Salini
Jonathan Vipond & Tim Bunner
Julie & Stuart Schaffer
Kathryn Taras & Anthony Elitcher
Kendall Cameron & Keri O'Brien
Key West Art & Historical Society
Key West Beachside Marriott
Last Key Realty
Libby & Michael de Caetani
Lucy Barker & Tom Swain
Peyton Evans
Renay Regardie
Rent Key West Vacations
Susan & Stuart Kaufman
The Gardens Hotel
Truman & Company
Wendy Allen & Mike Boehme
Rikki Shea Gage
Christopher Lee Moore
Fausto's Food Palace
First State Bank (Adv)
Hands On Group
Harrison Gallery Key West
JAG Gallery
Kirsti Madeo
KW Institute for Plastic Surgery
Nadene Grossman Enterprise
Porter-Allen Insurance
Teri Johnston & Dar Castillo
TSKW Books & Books
Kathleen Mahoney
Malcolm Willison & Martha Huggins
Kenny Weschler
Martha Robinson
Roy Bishop
Bruce Hunter
Holly Clements & Vincent Pacifico
Jeff Kucin
Charles Morrow-Jones
Maureen & Benjamin Matthews
Roberta (Bobbie) Cotton
Brooke & Lawrence Myers
Christine Connelly
First National Bank Card
Jackie & Bob Sauter
John Veres
Judith Murphy
Karen Young
Kelly Bushey
Peter M Schwartz Trust
Suzanne Washburn
Leslie Maloff
Joan Cox
Nancy Curran & Don Bartolone
Patti Sprague
Martina Hindsley
James Shaffran
Karen Newman

Fringe Theater is a local 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to creating unique opportunities for people to see and do theater! Our workshops, readings, projects, and mainstage productions provide opportunities for people who love theater to find their way ‘in’ to theater. Your donation helps us to remain Key West's community-focused theater.